8 February, Church of St Michael The Archangel 13:00:00
The advantage of a prepayment plan over a savings account or life insurance policy is that you can pay now, at today's price, and beat inflation - no matter when the service might be required. The Funeral Director's fees will be paid by Funeral Planning Trust at the time of the funeral.
Funeral prepayment plans are provided by Funeral Planning Services Limited in association with Funeral Directors throughout the UK. Funeral Prepayments are held in Funeral Planning Trust with CAPITA Trust Company (UK) Limited as Custodian Trustee.
Did you know that there is no charge for the Black Bow on the door. The rumour about this costing up to £75.00 a night is totally false. This is free of charge and is a tradition passed down from our families. The flowers that have replaced the bow do have a charge of £30.00. (Maybe it was a rumour started by the Florists)